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Torna all'elenco

(Length: about 70 km. The Reclamation of the Pontine Marshes) LATINA was founded in 1932 and appointed provincial capital in 1934. Its places of interest include the municipal offices (Palazzo Comunale), finance buildings (Palazzi Finanziari), the tribunal, the cathedral of San Marco, the government building (Palazzo del Governo), the national organization of war veterans building (Palazzo dell’ONC), the post office, the Opera Nazionale Balilla building and the ONMI building. Also worthy of a visit: Duilio Cambellotti Museum, the Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, the Numismatics Museum, the Medals Museum, M. Valeriani Museum of Etching and Photography, the Museum of the Pontine Marshes, B Podgora Museum of Sessano 1950 and the Municipal Antiquarium (Procoio in Borgo Sabotino). From an archaeological point of view, the most important area in Latina is the district of LE FERRIERE (near BORGO MONTELLO) from which important ruins of the Italic city of Satricum, including remains of the Temple of Mater Matuta, were excavated. Heading towards LATINA SCALO, at the intersection with the SS 7 (Via Appia) there is an epitaph dedicated to the reclamation work promoted by Pope Pius VI. On Via Appia southwards through TOR TRE PONTI, the Roman mutatio (a station at which riders could change their horses) from whence the Decennovium road commenced, to BORGO FAITI (in which there is a fine historic exhibition focusing on the Piana delle Orme), where Saint Paul encountered the first Christian communities on his way to Rome (known as the FORUM APPII), it is possible to reach MESA, another important mutatio. Of interest in Mesa is a farm house built by Pope Pius VI in 1780, whose entrance is decorated with epigraphs recording Emperor Theodoric’s attempts to reclaim the land between 507 and 511 and two military columns confirming the re-paving of the Decennovium road by Trajan. Not far from the farmhouse lies the Mausoleum of Clesippus. Taking a number of secondary roads through BORGO HERMADA and BORGO VODICE, both established following the land reclamation, it is possible to reach PONTINIA, one of the new cities created as a result of the land reclamation scheme. Among the various neoclassical buildings are the municipal offices, the church of Sant’Anna, the carabinieri barracks, the cinema, the hotel, a number of schools, the aqueduct tower and the Casa del Fascio which now houses the Museum of Malaria. Taking the SS 148 from Pontinia we reach BORGO SAN DONATO, another town dating from the land reclamation, and we may return to Latina via the SS 148 or continue south on the Via Litoranea to Sabaudia.

La Riviera d'Ulisse - Ente Turistico di Terzo Settore
Servizio IAT - Informazione ed Assistenza al Turista
Largo Jacopo Peri, 70 - Latina - tel. 0773480672 - 0773484502 - 06/69281723 - - -
a cura di Cooperiamo Insieme Cooperativa Sociale P.I. 02812020598
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