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Set up among the protected areas of the Region of Latium, through Decree of the Regional Authority no.400 of 01.08.2006, the Natural Monument Lago di Fondi was established to protect the expanse of water and surrounding marshy lands that became “confused” with the lake during the period of maximum rainfall, prior to the reclamation works. Due to the extreme subdivision of the land, numerous enclosures as well as the tenuousness of the banks, the lake has not been very accessible to date and its beauty could basically only be admired from above, from the nearby coastal areas of the Ausoni, from the Temple of Jupiter Anxur, from the road leading to Monte San Biagio and from the road from Sperlonga to Itri. Compared to the other Pontine lakes, that of Fondi stands apart owing to its length, over 30 km, its particularly irregular banks (perhaps resulting from the entry of so many courses of water coming from the vast flatland), the typology of its waters (partially sweet, originating from piedmont springs, and partially marine, entering from the S. Anastasia and Canneto channels and having a salinity that may vary from season to season): these waters make it a model of a coastal ecosystem in transition, in which various ecosystems merge with each other, resulting in a variation and overlapping of vegetation and animal species. Recent progress in the purification of sewage flowing into the lake allow one to hope for the future quality and evolution of this environment. As far as species of vegetation are concerned, one can say that the “natural” arboreal vegetation has decreased considerably, having been replaced by extensive cultivation; the strip of ditch reeds and hards has been preserved, while only a few strips of classical riparian woods of ash, alder and willow remain along the eastern banks; still resisting are populations of rare lady-fern (Osmunda regalis), the Latin name of which says a lot about its bearing, as well as various species of orchids, among which is the orchis palustris di ibisco (marsh orchid), water lilies and sedges. Lake Fondi has always been known as a resting/stopover place for migratory birds and species connected to “wet zones” – Special Protection Zone, Directive for Birds 79/409/UE: marsh harriers, herons, little egrets, ducks, great bitterns, stilt plovers, plovers, snipes and a great number of coots, from which “TV” epics are derived. The latter fortunately ended under recent protective measures, including the prohibition of hunting on the lake. Management of the Natural Monument is entrusted to the Regional Agency of Parks of Lazio
Administrative offices, Via Appia km.114,500, at the Consorzio di Bonifica (Reclamation Board), near the railway station, Monte San Biagio - tel. e fax 0771567351

(Bruno Maragoni -

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