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This is the youngest city in the province of Latina; it was founded on 25 April 1936 and inaugurated 18 months later, after the extensive reclamation work at the Pontine Marshes had terminated. Aprilia’s original small centre was destroyed during World War Two, but the town recovered in an extraordinary manner, so much so that in a few decades it be-came the second most populated city in the province and one of the largest in the Latium region. The town’s economy is based on agriculture and on the many local industries, but also has interesting attraction for visitors: the parish church of S.Michele Arcangelo (the bell-tower, destroyed by bombs during the war, was rebuilt in 1999), and the bronze sta-tue of the saint; the museum Mostra Permanente della Storia della Città, housed in the Is-tituto “Giovanni Pascoli”; the village of Campoverde where is the tomb of General Me-notti Garibaldi (the son of the hero Giuseppe Garibaldi), the parliamentary deputy in this district for many years who was responsible for the 19th century land reclamation here; the ancient Torre del Padiglione (the tower that is now private property). The traditional parade of floats and stock carnival characters in costume, the Festa di S.Michele Arcan-gelo, and the Ottobre Organistico Apriliano are the main entertainment events here


La Riviera d'Ulisse - Ente Turistico di Terzo Settore
Servizio IAT - Informazione ed Assistenza al Turista
Largo Jacopo Peri, 70 - Latina - tel. 0773480672 - 0773484502 - 06/69281723 - - -
a cura di Cooperiamo Insieme Cooperativa Sociale P.I. 02812020598
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